Friday, May 20, 2022

Holocaust Memorial Event in Bonyhad June 28 4PM in the old ("Neologue") Synagogue


I have been in contact with Mr, Kalman Matos who is directing the Bonyhad Soha Tobbe Soa! (Never Again Soa!) foundation.

He is helping to organize manufacture and placement of large enamel signs about the Holocaust and the old synagogue.
Manufacture would be  at the Bonyhad enamel factory.
This is funded by Shlomo Singer and a few others in Brooklyn, New York.

The signs and a third about the Orthodox synagogue were designed by Chava Rivka (Eva Illes) and I.

In 2014 the Holocaust signs were placed on the Orthodox synagogue external wall, in the Orthodox cemetery and at the sport field where the Jews of Bonyhad and vicinity spent their last days before the transport to Auschwitz.

The to be manufactured signs are planned for the external wall of the old synagogue (about the Holocaust nad the synagogue) and the one about the Holocaust in the old cemetry.

Mr. Matos wrote that a Holocaust Memorial Event will take place in Bonyhad on June 28 4PM in the old ("Neologue") Synagogue.
They hope that leaders of Hungary's Jewish Community and a representative of Israel's Embassy would participate.

He wrote that members of the International Bonyhad Jewish Community would be welcome.
I am sure they would be glad if someone from the Community could speak briefly.
Translation to Hungarian would be possible from English and possibly also from Hebrew.

If anyone would like to attend,please let me know.

Shabbat Shalom,


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