Monday, July 22, 2024

אזכרה - בוניהאד

צהרים טובים ושלום רב ליוצאי קהילת בוניהאד בארץ הקודש.

בע"ה ביום רביעי י"ח תמוז תתקיים האזכרה לקהילת בוניהאד, בשעה 16:30 עד בערך 18:00
ברח' יעל 3 ירושלים. אותו מקום שהתקיים בשנה שעברה.

כפי המדובר בינתיים הנושא שיש לדון בו, הוא ענין הספרים של בני הקהילה, שישנם ביד אחד מתושבי המקום. (שושי הורוביץ, לארי פפר)
בנוסף : 
א. המעוניינים לדבר ולהעלות נושאים מיוחדים, מוזמנים להודיע על כך במייל זה.
ב. מי שמוענין להשתתף בכיבוד קל, כמו שתיה וכדו', יודיע על כך, מבעוד מועד.
ג. השנה נזכיר ונדבר על דרכיו של ר' אליעזר ( ליאו ) בראון ז"ל, שנסתלק לבית עולמו בשנה זו.
ד. ישנם קצת הוצאות, על המקום ועוד דברים ופעילויות במשך השנה, מצטבר, ניתן להשתתף ולהעביר לגב' שושי הורוביץ או למר לארי פפר.

תודה ולהתראות
בני הקהילה - בוניאהד

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Bonyhad AZKARA, etc.


Date of the Azkara is approaching.

I am no longer involved in its organization which is handled by the very capable Rabbi Zelig Horowitz.
He can be contacted via


If anyone is interested, I recently updated a Bonyhad website, which I have been editing for the last few years.
New and updated information is marked by a graphic  NEW sign.

Among the new items are:
  1. basic interactive website enabling viewing all gravestones and memorial signs in the Orthodox cemetery as of April 2024

  2. a more comprehensive website showing on an aerial photo where each grave is located. If basic details on gravestones will be typed by volunteers into a suitable computer file it will be possible to search for gravestones by name  and possibly other details, such as death anniversary. Search would show the associated gravestones' exact or approximate location on the aerial photo. Unfortunately text on many of the gravestones is no longer readable. 

    This project was handled by Mrs. Chava Rivka Giavarini (nee Illes Eva).  Anyone interested in helping to transcribe material from the gravestones should consult her via Possibly Rabbi Pesach Singer in Jerusalem is transcribing information.

  3. interactive website showing on the Bonyhad map location of Jewish residences and other Jewish facilities as of early 1944 and also recent interactive image of the a location's vicinity via Google Maps. It is possible to search for people etc. by partial or full name and partial or full address (using current street names)
There is a HELP button on the above 3 sites. If pressed, a webpage is shown explaining how to use the associated website.

Link to the above webpages is in the above mentionad bonyhad website

Best Wishes,
Larry Pfeffer

Monday, January 1, 2024

Mr. Eliezer (Leo) Brown z"l - Announcement

The Bonyhad Jewish Community today lost a highly respected and loved member: Eliezer (Leo) Brown z"l.

The levaya was at the Givat Shaul cemetery, where his grandchildren said hesped with much love, sadness and reverence.

Leo will be missed by the Bonyhad Jewish Community.

On a personal note, he knew my grandparents, my mother and her siblings, was at my parents' wedding in Bonyhad and was in elementary school class with  my mother's youngest sister: Baba as well as with Gyongyi Barany.

Yechi Zichro Baruch,
Larry Pfeffer

Mr. Leo Brown z"l, passed away early this morning. Burial tday at 1 PM in Givat Shaul

Mr. Leo Brown,  passed away early this morning.

The levaya is at 1:00 PM at the Har Hamenuhot cemetery in Givat Shaul (in the big  parking lot).

He will be buried in Helkat Haperushim.

Shiva at their home Hacongress Hatzioni 5/27 Ramot gimmel above the Mall.Jerusalem.

Yechi Zichro Baruch

Monday, August 7, 2023

The Bonyhad Genizah

 Wow! The "Bonyhad Genizah"!

I looked through this and there are definitely a lot of names that are familiar to me from my work on Mr. Blau's book.
Not all of these pictures had names or names that were readable (at least to me and my sons), but some of the surnames that I was able to make out include: Ullman, Strauss, Strausz, Kohn, Goldring, Beck, Krausz, Warim (ווארום), Kritzler, Kaufman, Kohler, Schwarz, Ferenc, Salamon, Roth, Steiner, Muller, Zeif, Alwesiz, Blum, Fridling, Frohlich, Lajos, Weisz. 
I'm sending this email to as many Bonyhad people as I can, if you know anyone who descends from these families that would be interested in getting seforim that belonged to their ancestors, you can be in touch with Nina Forman <> or her son Dov Forman <>. If you know more Bonyhad people, please forward this message along to them to help spread the word!

Shalom & Kol Tuv,

Reuven Chaim Klein

Beitar Illit, Israel

Author of: God versus Gods Lashon HaKodesh

ORCiD LinkedIN | Google Scholar | Amazon

On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 8:09 PM Julian Weider <> wrote:
Dear Larry

The gentleman in Bonyhad who returned the Chumash to my daughter and grandson has written to say he has 50 or more seforim with names. He and his wife were so moved by the film of Lily receiving the book that they now want to make effort to reunite the seforim with any surviving families who may recognise family names.

I am attaching a link with photos of some of the collection:

Please liaise with Nina/Dov regarding any of your group/contacts wanting to take this forward. Nina and Dov are both copied into this mail.

Kind regards


Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, August 1, 2023



Was just advised by Chava Rivka Giavarini (Illes Eva) that today August 1 all but one dog was removed to a newly built local animal shelter from the Bonyhad Orthodox Cemetery - as far as known by the municipality.

This would not have happened without the concerned, humane and brave help of Chavi's brother Zsolt Illes who lives in Bonyhad and Jozsef Nagy: the old cemetery caretaker.

Zsolt was bitten on his hand.
It is hoped that there are no health issues.
He is a builder and constructed the current fence, which isolated the dogs from visitors.

In a few conversations he impressed me as a very decent, responsible and good person.

I called him to express deep appreciation in my name and the name of the Bonyhad Jewish Community and to wish him Refuah Shlema.

Larry Pfeffer